While you were away, your golems did the following:
Level: 1
Level progress: 0 XP of 5 XP.
Energy: 0Send a golem to get some water from the nearby stream. +1 water, +1 XP.
Takes 1 seconds. Costs 15 energy.
0 per 1 sec.
Qty: 0
Drop items here to deliver them!
Powerful cranks
+1 energy per crank
0 owned. Costs 10 energy.
Click to research
Magic turns the crank. Generate 1 energy per second.
0 owned. Costs 50 energy.
Click to research
None discovered yet.
Drag and drop ingredients into each other to combine them.
Enable automated golems (?).
You have 3 golems available.
0 actions in queue.
Potion Factory Alpha 0.4 What's new? by Jackson Roberts. Thanks for playing!
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